
Skin Resurfacing Laser Treatment Information

Before and After M22 ResurFX Fractional Non-Ablative Skin Resurfacing Laser Treatment

Before your treatment:

  • You must have had no sun exposure 1 month prior to treatment (nor 1 month post treatment.)
  • Discontinue any retinoid products 5 days prior to treatment (also 5 days post treatment.)
  • Have your Valtrex prescription filled and take starting 1 day before the treatment.
  • Arrive to your appointment 45 minutes prior for numbing of the area.
  • Shave the area if there is hair. If you have a beard, trim to what would be equivalent to a “2 day shadow.”
  • Arrive clean faced without make-up, moisturizers or lotions.
  • Wear or bring a button down shirt so as not to pull anything over the face or across the body after treatment.

Lumen is M22 ResurFX Fractional (not to be confused with Fraxel® brand lasers) Non-Ablative Skin Resurfacing Laser Treatment produces some side effects. The intensity and duration depends on the treatment aggressiveness and your individual healing characteristics. Generally, patients who are treated more aggressively experience more intense, longer lasting side effects. However, some patients who receive a less aggressive treatment may experience greater-than-expected side effects; others receiving more aggressive treatments may experience side effects of less-than expected magnitude. Notify your practitioner at Chelsea Skin & Laser if the severity of your side effects becomes a problem for you.

What you may feel and look like:

  • After treatment, you will experience redness, swelling or, after a few days, a bronzed appearance. Most swelling will be noticeable on the first morning after treatment. Swelling usually lasts two to three days. To minimize swelling:
    • Apply cold compresses to the area for 10 minutes of every hour on the day of treatment, until bedtime.
    • Sleep with head elevated on pillows the first night.
  • Noticeable pinkness over the next few weeks. Most resolves during the 1st week. A rosy “glow” can remain several weeks.
  • Heat sensation can be noticeable for 1 – 3 hours following your treatment.
  • Some patients have experienced itching.
  • You may feel discomfort. TYLENOL may be taken for discomfort.
  • Your skin may feel dry, peel, or flake. You may notice a “sand paper” texture a few days after treatment. This is the treated tissue working its way out of your body as new fresh skin is regenerated.
  • Cold Sores may develop. Contact your practitioner regarding care.

After your treatment:

Immediately After Treatment

Use a bland moisturizer like Aquaphor or Cetaphil cream. Use of cold compresses or cold (not
frozen) gel packs helps alleviate the heat sensation.

First Few Days

Do not wear make-up for 2 days after treatment. Continue gentle cleansing and moisturizing over the next
few days. Once dry skin starts to flake off, please allow your skin to heal and DO NOT scrub, rub, or use exfoliants.

First Week of Healing

Keep treated area clean; avoid smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, excessive exercise, perspiring, swimming, yoga or exposing skin to heat and sun.

Skin Care Products

All of your skin care products should be non-irritating and non-clogging for the first week. 

Scrubs, Toners, Bleaching Creams, Glycolic Acid, and retinoids (Retin A, Tazorac, tretinoin).

Your skin will be sensitive for the first week or so after treatment. Do not use products that will cause irritation for a minimum of 5 days after treatment. Do not use bleaching creams, abrasive scrubs, toners, or products that contain glycolyic acids or retinoids. Read the product labels. Retinoids may be resumed 5 full days after treatment as long as treatment area is free of flaking, redness, irritation.

Normal Skin Care Regimen

Once all dry skin has flaked off and your skin is fully healed, you may resume your routine skin care and make-up products, as long as they are tolerable to you. We recommend a mineral based make-up.


Use sunscreen immediately after treatment. Continue to use to prevent sun damage to the skin. Sunscreen should offer broad band protection (UVA and UVB) and have an SPF of 30 or more. Use sunscreen immediately after treatment and apply daily for at least 3 months after your last treatment. Apply sunscreen 20 minutes before going outside. Reapply sunscreen every 2 hours. If direct sun exposure is necessary, wear a hat and clothing that covers the treated area. Diligent sunscreen use may lower the risk of laser-induced hyperpigmentation (darker skin color).


Remember that peeling and/or flaking is normal. Therefore, the moisturizer you use should be non-irritating and non-clogging, or else you could develop breakouts. Instead of using 2 separate products, you may use moisturizers that contain SPF30+. Reapply whenever your skin feels dry.

Abnormal Healing.

If you notice any side effects that seem severe or are not listed here, please contact us at

Chelsea Skin & Laser
