
What is a PA?

What is a PA?

A Physician Assistant or PA is a licensed healthcare professional who practices medicine as part of a team with physicians. A PA goes through a rigorous training program and must pass the Physician Assistant National Certifying Exam. They re-certify every 6 years and re-register their training certificate every 2 years by way of continuing medical education credits.

A PA performs many of the tasks done by their physician partners, including examinations and diagnosis, treatments, ordering and interpreting tests, biopsies, prescribing medications and counseling on preventive healthcare. All physician assistants are associated with a physician but carry their own license. They do not operate under the license of a physician. A PA should not to be confused with a “medical assistant,” who is support staff performing administrative and minor medical duties.

At Chelsea Skin & Laser our Physician Assistant, Dominic Moccia, has received dedicated specialty training in dermatology by our Medical Director so you can be sure that you are receiving educated, trained, quality care. Dominic sees a full day of his own patients.

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ZocDoc appointments are with Dominic (his hours show under Dr. Eidelman) and Dr. Ginsberg.
